London to Paris Cycling Challenge

London to Paris Cycling Challenge

  • Overview
  • Map & Itinerary
  • Essential Info
  • Pics & Vids
  • Dates & Prices


  • Conquer this iconic cycling challenge from the Capital of the UK to the Capital of France
  • Spend 4 days in the saddle and cover over 300 miles under pedal power
  • Enjoy the picturesque and undulating terrain of the English countryside enroute to Dover
  • Take on the green hills of Northern France, passing the war memorials and cemeteries of the Somme
  • Experience the buzz of cycling around the around the Arc de Triomphe, along the Champs Elysées, before reaching the impressive finish line at the Eiffel Tower
  • A fully supported two wheeled journey across the UK and France
  • Two options of joining us for this infamous cycling challenge:
    • In support of the MS Trust: Registraton fee £95pp and Sponsorship £1750pp
    • Pay and go: Registraton fee £95pp and Final Balance £905pp. 


Take on this iconic cycling challenge and spend 4 days in the saddle, cycling over 300 miles from capital to capital.

Your journey begins in London and winds its way through picturesque English countryside from Kent to Dover, before crossing the Channel to Calais. Then your two-wheeled journey follows quiet French country lanes, through traditional market towns with views of the rolling green hills of Northern France, passing the war memorials and cemeteries of the Somme.

A spectacular finish awaits us as you reach the home stretch around the Arc de Triomphe and along the Champs Elysées, before your outstanding finish at the Eiffel Tower. The days in the saddle may be long & tough but the sense of achievement and the genuine thrill of cycling along infamous stretches of Paris, makes for an euphoric finish to a fabEWElous self-powered journey. 

You can opt to take part in this iconic cycling challenge either in support of the MS Trust, or pay & go with no fundraising comitments or in support of the charity of your choice. 

Day 1

London – Dover – Calais: approx 90 miles
Depart early from south London in order to beat the rush hour traffic. Your route winds its way along some picturesque roads of the South East. After a welcome lunch stop you’ll continue through the afternoon with some challenging climbs along the North Downs before arriving into Dover. From here you’ll take the late afternoon ferry to Calais. On arrival into Calais it’s a short cycle to your hotel for a well-earned rest.

Meals:  Lunch & checkpoint snacks
Accommodation:  Hotel (twin room share basis)

Day 2

Calais – Arras: approx 80 miles
Todays route heads south along some of the quieter roads, through quaint French villages and towns. Your lunch stop is in the small town of Roquetoire. During the afternoon you’ll pass by some war cemeteries such as Vimy Ridge, a reminder of this region’s past. The evening is spent in Arras, capital city of the region and one of the prettiest towns of Northern France. Dinner is provided at a local restaurant in the centre of town.

Meals:  Breakfast, lunch, dinner & checkpoint snacks
Accommodation:  Hotel (twin room share basis)

Day 3

Arras – Compiègne: approx 80 miles
This morning you will pass by more of the war cemeteries including Thiepval then along quiet country roads through the Somme before stopping for lunch. This afternoon your continues through the picturesque region before reaching Compiègne, your destination for the night. Dinner is provided locally before heading for bed in preparation for the big day tomorrow.

Meals:  Breakfast, lunch, dinner & checkpoint snacks
Accommodation:  Hotel (twin room share basis)

Day 4

Compiègne – Paris: approx 70 miles
The adrenalin is pumping as you set off on your final day of cycling. The morning sees you journey through French villages before seeing the landscape slowly change to a more urban environment. Excitement is building over lunch and another cycle before regroup ahead of the final push. This is the part you have all been waiting for. Setting off in convoy through the centre of Paris, pass the Arc De Triomphe and along the Champs Elysee before finishing at the base of the Eiffel Tower feeling euphoric with a huge sense of achievement. There’s time for photos and celebrations with your team mates before jumping back in the saddle for a short ride to your hotel to prepare for the evening’s celebration dinner. Bicycles are packed up and head back to the UK to meet you at St Pancras the following day.

Meals:  Breakfast, lunch, dinner & checkpoint snacks
Accommodation:  Hotel (twin room share basis)

Day 5

Paris – London
The day is free for you to enjoy Paris and its delights. It will be your responsibility to find your own way to the Gare du Nord to catch the Eurostar back to London St Pancras where you will be reunited with your bicycles.

Meals:  Breakfast
Travel:  Eurostar ticket (economy class)

Pre-trip info

On booking the London to Paris Cycling Challenge, you’ll receive all the exciting trip info via our free mobile travel app. You’ll have access to your itinerary, training guide, countdowns, live updates, contact info, weather forecasts, kit lists and much more at the touch of a button 24/7 via your mobile phone. No more unnecessary use of reams of paper and the need of carrying around documents with you. The app is free to download and all info is customary to your cycling trip ahead. A’ppy days.

Pre-trip support

With being a small family business we pride ourselves with providing personal, professional and friendly service for your London to Paris Cycling Challenge. We appreciate that everyone has different levels of experience and reasons for wishing to embark on this adventure and therefore require varying levels of support and guidance. We’re here to help you every step of the way from the moment you join the team all the way through to completing the challenge and beyond. Jim and Sue’s knowledge and expertise stems from dozens of years of travelling and their love of cycling in order to fully support you in the lead up to your cycling trip.

Safety and wellbeing

Adventurous Ewe puts the safety and well-being of you, our leaders & crew and the communities we visit at the centre of all our operations, always. Your safety and well-being is our top priority. Our London to Paris Cycling Challenge is designed to take you out of your every-day comfort zone and achieve something great with undertaking this self-powered journey. Rest assured we have a thorough Safety Management System, indepth risk assessments and risk management systems in place. Your crew will be equipped with communication devices (eg phones and radios) and medical kit. 

Here are a couple of important points for your consideration:

  • The terrain on the challenge is often undulating, especially in the UK from Kent through to Dover. Once you reach France the terrain is more gradual with a few steady climbs.
  • The weather during the challenge can be unpredictable so we would recommend checking the weather forecast beforehand and pack the appropriate clothing.
  • You will be expected to adhere to the Highway Code during the challenge and respecting the traffic laws. Once you arrive into France you will be required to cycle on the right hand side of the road, and it is a legal requirement that you have a bell on your bike.
  • 8 hours of cycling is long time to spend in the saddle, so please ensure your prepare accordingly and that you fuel your body correctly at the water stops and during breakfast and lunch. There will be plenty of water stops to fill up your water bottles during the challenge.
Leaders & crew

You will be accompanied by certified Adventurous Ewe Cycling Leader/s, Bike Mechanics and Crew. Our Leaders are first aid qualified and have extensive experience in leading cycling trips. They will be ultimately responsible for the running of the itinerary and the safety of your group.

Leaders and Crew will carrying full safety equipment and first aid kits with larger first aid kits located in the support vehicles. Please note, these kits are for emergencies only so please come prepared with your own personal first aid items. The Leaders and Crew will also be in constant radio communication with the vehicle drivers throughout your adventure.

The number of crew and support vehicles looking after you will depend on the final size of your group, but the team will be looking after every aspect of your trip whether that’s transporting your luggage, helping you with GPX route files, a friendly & supportive face at checkpoints and sorting out any mechanical problems. Support vehicle/s are with the group all of the time, and carry all luggage and spares.

Group size
We pride ourselves in small group travel to minimise the impact on the environment, to maximise your safety and wellbeing and to make your experience more authentic.
The minimum group size for the London to Paris Cycle to run is 25 people and the maximum group size is 40 people, dependent on accommodation availability.
Group management

The London to Paris Cycling Challenge is a team adventure and not designed to be an individual competitive race. You will receive a GPX file of the route and main turning points will be highlighted with route markers. There will be a Cycling Leader towards the front of the group together with cycling crew dispersed throughout the group. There will be a support vehicle accompanying the group as well and this usually travels at the rear of the pack. We encourage team spirit and support of each other to ensure everyone has the best opportunity to complete the challenge and enjoy the journey along the way too.

These adventures are a fantastic way to meet like-minded people and share an incredible journey whilst being accompanied and supported by friendly and experienced Adventurous Ewe Leaders and Crew.

All luggage, bike spares including spare bikes will be carried in the support vehicle and will be on hand to help with any mechanical problems. 

Trip grading

The London to Paris bike ride is graded as moderate to tough. It is a strenuous challenge which will allow people to push themselves out of their comfort zone.

Our challenges attract people of all levels of experience, fitness and ability as well as all ages and backgrounds. We design our challenges so that everyone can go at their own pace: it’s not a race. If you have concerns about your fitness or if you have reduced mobility please do contact us for a confidential chat about whether this challenge is appropriate for you.

For logistical and safety reasons we sometimes need to re-group, so the front-cyclists may find themselves waiting for the slower ones. Please relax, and remember that this is a team effort that enables people to achieve their personal goals.

Some key points for your consideration:

  • Cycling from around 8 hours each day
  • Covering roughly 300 miles over 4 days of cycling
  • Ascending over 800m each day
  • Cycling into Paris on quiet roads before finishing at the iconic Eiffel Tower

A bespoke cycling training programme will be provided when join the team to help you with your preparations. This challenge is suitable for all levels, as it is guided, however, the more you are prepared, the more you will enjoy the challenge.

We advise that you start training at least 4 – 5 months ahead of your cycling challenge to get used to being on a bike for consecutive days (especially for the sake of your fitness and getting your butt used to being in the saddle). By 3 months prior to departure, you should be able to take on longer rides, up to 40-50miles in a day. If you live in a flat area it is well worth getting out and finding some hills, the more of these you do the more enjoyable you will find the ride and the rest of your training. Within a month prior to your departure we recommend that you have done at least one 2-day ride. This will be the best indication of how well you are doing and mentally prepare you for the 4 day cycling journey to Paris. Ideally you want to be aiming for a steady average speed of 9 – 10 miles per hour as a minimum. 

Our motto is: Train hard, smile harder and enjoy the journey!

Bike & Kit

A full kit list will be provided when you join the team for the London to Paris Cycling Challenge. Good kit can make the difference between a fantastic two-wheeled and an uncomfortable one.

We strongly recommend that you use a road bike in the first instance or hybrid bike for this trip. Hire bikes and helmets are available for an additional cost of £285 for the 4 days including bike delivery, collection and transfers. Rest assured any equipment that we supply will be serviced hygienically cleaned.

If you are bringing your own bike, we strongly recommend that the bike is serviced the week before your challenge to ensure that the brake and gear cables along with brake pads haven’t been to worn out during your pre-challenge training.

Whilst we plan our trips around the optimal weather conditions, you could still be exposed to wet & windy or hot & humind weather at any time. It is important that you are prepared for all conditions.

Bikes can be packed into a bike box if you wish, but please notify us beforehand so that we can ensure there is enough room for the box in our vehicles. You will be expected to have the necessary tools with you to construct and deconstruct your bike. Once you have completed the challenge we will transport your bikes back to London by van so that you can collect them at St Pancras International Station.


Kit discount codes

To help you get the very best from your London to Paris Cycling Challenge we will provide you with an exclusive Adventurous Ewe discount code to use in independent UK outdoor retailers both in store and online.


Despite this trip being held over the Spring and Summer months, the weather can change rapidly so it is essential that you are prepared for all conditions including rain, wind and heat. In the week leading up to your trip we recommend monitoring the weather forecast and you will also receive weather updates via our mobile travel app, Vamoos.

Please note, the Leader/s reserve the right to change the itinerary at any time should the conditions require it as your safety and wellbeing is our top priority at all times.  In these circumstances we will make the best alternative arrangements possible that maintain the integrity of the original itinerary.


We usually stay in hotels or lodges of a 2-3* star hotels or equivalent. Standards may vary between the hotels but they are generally comfortable and convenient for our route. Hotels are often on the outskirts of towns to minimise unnecessary extra mileage and avoid traffic.

Rooms will be used on a twin share basis & all rooms will have their own bathroom. If you are travelling with a friend or partner who you wish to share with, please indicate this where appropriate during the booking process or email well in advance of your challenge.

If you don’t know anyone else in the group don’t worry, we always pair you up with someone of the same gender, and a similar age where possible. We do not charge a single supplement if you are a solo traveller in a shared room.

There may be a limited number of single rooms subject to request, on a first-come first-served basis, after you have booked. Extra charges will apply.

Getting to the start

Your two-wheeled journey will begin in either Greenwich or Twickenham. We will confirm the exact location of your starting point at no later than 1 month prior to the start of the challenge. Please ensure that you have breakfast beforehand, because breakfast is not provided for on the first day.


Getting back

On completion of your London to Paris Cycling Challenge, you will have a free morning in Paris to either explore this beautiful city or sit back in a cafe and watch the world go by. You will need to make your own way to Gare du Nord, officially Paris-Nord, one of the mainline railway station termini in Paris allowing plenty of time to check in ahead of your Eurostar train journey to London St Pancras International Station. Economy tickets are included in your package.

Bikes can be packed into a bike box if you wish, but please notify us beforehand so that we can ensure there is enough room for the box in our vehicles. You will be expected to have the necessary tools with you to deconstruct your bike. We will transport your bikes back to London by van so that you can collect them at St Pancras International Station.

Food & drinks

We like to support local businesses and will source food locally. Lunches will be in restaurants along the route or picnic style and dinners are usually eaten at the hotel or a nearby restaurant. Do make sure you eat enough to give you the energy for your exertions. The hotels in which you will be staying will have a continental breakfast buffet (please note that breakfast is not included on departure in London).

Water and snacks will be provided during your cycle journey at checkpoints enroute. 

If you have any dietary requirements or allergies, please let us know via the booking process or via the ‘Personal Details’ link we will send you via Vamoos. 

We also recommend you bring your own energy filled snacks and electrolytes for the cycle.

Payment info
There are two payment options available for this trip:
Minimum sponsorship package for the MS Trust:
Registration fee: £95 per person required on booking (non refundable).

Sponsorship: £1,750 minimum sponsorship for the MS Trust (80% due 6 weeks before challenge date).


Pay & go:
Registration fee: £95 per person required on booking (non refundable).
Remaining balance: £905 per person is due for payment no later than 5 weeks prior to the trip start date.

Please note, any cancellations made after 1 May 2023, will result in participants having to pay 100% of the balance of their trip. 

MS Trust will provide you with fundraising support and guidance.

For full T&C’s visit here

Travel insurance

Travel Insurance is an important part of any booking. It is compulsory that everyone who travels with us has taken out adequate travel insurance which includes, among other things, cover for the full value of your trip, medical (emergency, evacuation and repatriation) arrangements, personal liability, cancellation, curtailment and loss of luggage and personal effects and COVID-19 travel cover.

For UK residents we have partnered with Campbell & Irvine Direct to provide you with a travel insurance. If you would like to obtain cover for your trip please feel free to contact specialist Insurance Brokers, Campbell Irvine Direct for a quote.

We also recommend you have sufficient bike insurance for your bicycle.

You must send your Travel Insurance Policy to Adventurous Ewe no less than one month prior to departure.

Book and travel with confidence

As well as carefully crafting amazing and meaningful adventures across the planet, we’ve made booking them as flexible, safe and as simple as possible. For more info, please our Book and Travel with Confidence page. 

Departure & Return Duration Availability Deposit Total Cost* (*Total cost includes the deposit)
Jun 18, 2025
Jun 22, 2025
5 Days Available £145.00 £1135.00 Book Now
Aug 27, 2025
Aug 31, 2025
5 Days Available £145.00 £1135.00 Book Now

What's Included?


  • Personalised event support in the lead up to your trip from Adventurous Ewe
  • GPX file of the route
  • Cycle training programme
  • Discount on personal kit from Joe Brown, both in shop and online
  • Trip info supplied via mobile travel app, Vamoos
  • Public liability insurance
  • Risk assessment and emergency management planning.

During your trip:

  • Cycle leaders, support crew and bike mechanic
  • Support vehicle and luggage transfers
  • Full back-up support including first-aid qualified staff and first-aid supplies  
  • Snacks and water station checkpoints including antibacterial hand gel
  • 4 nights accommodation (twin share basis)
  • Meals per your itinerary
  • One way ferry crossing from Dover to Calais
  • One way Eurostar ticket from Paris to London (economy class)
  • All challenge management and hygienic cleaning procedures of equipment before, during and post trip.

What's Not Included?

  • Bike insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa (if required)
  • Vaccinations (if required)
  • Any covid tests required for entry to any countries or places of interest on your challenge itinerary
  • Bicycle and helmet – each participant must bring their own recently serviced bicycle and a helmet must be worn at all times whilst on your bike
  • Clothing and equipment listed on your Kit List
  • Getting to the start and from the finish of the trip
  • Accommodation the night prior to departure
  • Breakfast and dinner on day 1, lunch and dinner on day 5
  • Personal snacks and electrolytes
  • Any costs incurred with leaving the trip early, ie. accommodation, travel, etc.
  • Personal spending money.


Adventurous Ewe is committed to delivering adventures in a responsible and ethical manner with sustainability at its core. We respect and aim to operate our trips to benefit local people, their economy and the environment!

Some of the ethical event management features embedded in our London to Paris Cycling Challlenge are:

  • Using locally owned accommodation places where possible
  • Catering and the purchasing food items locally
  • Minimising plastic waste wherever possible as we refill water bottles and flasks
  • We remove any route markers if used
  • Where possible, our Leaders & Crew collect any rubbish
  • We operate a ‘leave no trace’ ethos.
5 days & 4 nights
Cost From
Trip Notes